Tips & My Experience in Clearing TOGAF 9.2-Part 1(OG0–091)

6 min readJun 16, 2021


Some Bragging :) Seriously, I just don’t want to set wrong expectations

This is my third professional certification in the architecture area. I regularly work in the architecture field for more than a decade. I have followed MDA ,Zachman. I have overall thirteen professional certifications including this one. These certifications are in the area where I have worked in past and working currently every now and then. Those certifications are offered by Oracle(Sun), IBM, Azure, AWS, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes & SAFe . They are achieved over two decades of time frame. During all these certifications I had one goal in mind is, how I can understand each and every aspect of that technology or process and how I can make the best practical use of it on the job. Because not necessarily every aspect of that technology is used in your current assignment or project. Also, I believe the certification exams are also set keeping a similar purpose in mind, where it gives an assurance at the end that he/she can be considered SME in all the areas. I will suggest you do the same that will make your certification easier and fun at the same time. This exam is quite costly as compared to other certifications & every attempt is fully paid, so you want to prepare 100% before you make an attempt to appear.

I had decided to take the exam separately Part 1 & Part 2, as I couldn’t find much information on the internet to validate my exam readiness. That is the reason I have decided to write this article so that others can be benefitted, there is a lot of confusion around 9.1 & 9.2 with the authenticity of updated mock questions, so be careful. Also, I have seen a lot of exam answer keys are totally wrong, which is even dangerous.

A. Some exam logistics, skip it if you have already figured it out

  1. Registration for exam

Register on the below TOGAF link & from there it will provide you links to the Prometric center & this exam can be taken from a home or office in presence of an online proctor or at the Prometric center. After you click on the Pearson link you will be single signed on into Pearson from there you can select the date & time after you make payment.

2. Exam Fees Detail

I will leave the decision of taking both the parts combined or separately with the individual. I think it is everyone's choice but if money is a factor then I think the choice is clear. Otherwise, I don’t see any difference in how you achieve your end certification.

Certification Fees

3. Rescheduling of exam

I did two reschedules because some or other thing popped at work. I couldn’t clear my mind and concentrate on study. Rescheduling is allowed only 48 hours before, after that your money will be forfeited so be mindful of this important timeline. I will say pay & book exam with minimum 3–4 weeks time in between.

4. Passing Score

I scored 85%. It was 40 questions & a one-hour exam. Passing score is I think 54%. Some of the options were confusing but again exam had questions that really test TOGAF taxonomy & understanding about ADM phases. I studied online material only, I didn’t buy any books & material on the website I found sufficient for clearing the exam.

B. Real Preparation for the exam

  1. Syllabus Expectations

Below are the topics in which the exam verifies your knowledge,

Source TOGAF Site

2. Understand the difference between 9.1 & 9.2.

Visit this link on my website, since I am not able to upload some of the PDF.

3. TOGAF documentation structure:-Below diagram, you can find it on pasted link, study & understand everything on this page.

The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 (

TOGAF Structure

3. Study Part III & IV about ADM Phases

Understand every step in each phase. The goal of each phase & what gets carried over to the next phase. You should see 4–6 questions in this area.

ADM Phases

4. Study around enterprise continuum and capability framework

Understand the relationship between Enterprise Continuum, Architectural Continuum & Solutions Continuum.

Enterprise Continuum
Relationship in between Architecture & Solution Continuum

The below diagram tells you about how the skilled resource pools participate in the governance model. You should be able to see a couple of questions about this topic.

5. Some of the documents I found really useful & my personal notes. If you do these I feel you should be able to clear the exam. I know I am indirectly referring to close to 200–300 pages & lots to remember. Isn’t your purpose that you know the entire ADM phases in depth.

Conclusion:- Trick here is to try to understand each phase & purpose from an implementation point of view. Relate it with your actual project in terms of developing an enterprise architecture or understand how existing practices are mapped to each ADM phase. Understand your organization’s enterprise continuum. You will be able to clear this exam. There will be questions with very subtle differences in the answer keys related to ADM phases, so I will suggest having a clear understanding of ADM phases do a couple of rounds of rereading of topics. Make sure you have memorized it and you get that you will be able to clear the exam without many hurdles. All The Best & hopefully this will be helpful in achieving your certification. Reach out to me if you have more questions & I should be able to respond to you.

I use memorization techniques like mind mapping try it if it works for you. How it is topic for another article but for now try doing some reading on the internet.




Sachin Kapale works as a Director Of Technical Architecture.His other articles are available on